Please share your story of how the picture touched you or someone you know. Please also click the Facebook Like button to the right before you leave. Bless you for taking the time.
Michael C.
Please share your story of how the picture touched you or someone you know. Please also click the Facebook Like button to the right before you leave. Bless you for taking the time.
Michael C.
My friends and I believe this is true. First of all, why would you put your career at stake? I believe that Dr. Bruner was coerced into retracting his original statement. He was possibly in a bad situation with people who uphold abortion.
This a an extraordinary photo of life that most people would have never seen if it weren’t for you. I applaud for your courage to stand up to the truth and not allow others to disregard your amazing photography gift. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to see life as it is in the womb.
Dear Friends,
This is a beautiful deeply touching photograph, and an amazing medical triumph that little Samuel could be born so healthy after the procedure!
However, during an operation it is common knowledge that the patient is under ANESTHESIA, and thereby neither mother, nor child could move.
It is a beautiful photo. Capturing a beautiful inspiring moment, an amazing feat of medical technology.
It is plainly evident that this author is pro life. I am also pro life, however I see that the facts surrounding this photo are ignored because of the emotional weight it holds, and the power this image has over the viewer.
I am relatively sure this post will never be live, it seems the website author censors the comments, with only comments of sincere praise remaining.
Michael my friend you are a wonderful photographer. You are a beautiful human being and so is little baby Samuel. You captured an amazing moment! However it saddens me that you allow your emotion lead you to lie for the sake of your argument.
Samuel was a living human being at that stage of development, however he was incapable of movement under anesthesia.
I am pro life, I would not get an abortion, and would hope others not as well. However if a mother needs an abortion for medical reasons, I would want her to be able to be cared for by a licensed medical professional, rather than going to some back alley quack.
I value the life of the mother as much as I value the life of the child.
That is why I vote pro choice.
Thank you so much for explaining what happened during this picture . The no -believers just wants the denial in there head that a baby is not a baby and can’t feel or need anything. They would rather have a curtain over there face instead of seeing the reality. I guess they have never seen the ultrasounds during abortions that show the child moving away or fighting the instruments trying to kill them. I believe your story and unfortunately the Dr. Was mad because of money. If he was in it for babies why would he deny it. What sickens me is that life magazine would take a posed picture that was manipulated by this same Dr instead of the real picture. Keep your story out there because it needs to be told so maybe humanity can believe in these blessings and they need to be cherished and not disregarded as less than human. I have two of gods blessings and in ultrasounds at 10 weeks they are bouncing around exploring there surroundings. I have seen my children suck there thumbs, play with there toes and try to suck on them, grab the umbilical cord, and show emotions with mouth and face. They are definitly gods blessings. Thank you for keeping up the naysayers comments to show the world of there ignorance.
What some people won’t do to make money! The baby, and mother, were anesthetized! For sterility reasons, you were not that close to the operating field and most likely used a zoom lens. Dr. Bruner, the surgeon, stated the hand just ‘flopped out’ and he replaced it. I find the surgeon’s version of events to be more accurate than yours.
What an inspiration!
doing a debate essay for school about the cons of abortion, found your website, agree w/ it all, keep sperading the love, maggie
Praise God for this wonderful photo! I believe it has saved thousands of pre-born babies that mothers might have aborted and that it will continue to save lives.
Samuel is my grandson’s name. It means “heard from God.” Truly, we have heard from God with this photo!
S C Citizens for Life has sent donors a small copy of the photo since you spoke for
them January 11, 2013. I plan to pass it around at our church Sunday. Who knows? It may save another baby someone is thinking about aborting!
–Elva Martin, Anderson, SC
Hello Michael,
I don’t know if you remember me. I am John and Peggy’s son. You spent a little time with us after my brother passed away. I was looking you up and found your site. I am so glad you were blessed with this opportunity. It is truly an awesome photograph.
Thank you Lisa!
Thank you David!
Thank you Stephen for taking the time to leave a comment. It was a blessing sharing my story in Woodland, Ca. It is as you say, “barbaric, cruel, and unbelievable.” Some day we will realize what we’ve done. Michael
Michael-Thanks for coming to Woodland, CA several months ago and speaking.Here is something you did NOT mention in your book is: If the unborn child is not human or have any value, then why is there a Anesthesiologist present for the unborn child during the abortion? From my reading,”Anesthesia is used on a patient to undergo a surgery or procedure to assist in blocking pain and distress.” Wow! When our country is more concerned about the treatment of pets and animals than the pain and murder of a child, it is a huge tragedy. Sooner or later, History will view abortion and what we have done to our own as barbaric, cruel, and unbelievable.Presently, people have justified and masked “infant killing” as “wanting to protect a woman’s rights, freedoms and health choices.” Those that look deeply into the subject will see otherwise. Thank you for what you have done and are still doing.Blessings to you and your family.
Thank you so much for standing true. You spoke at my church a year or so ago and I’ve used your photo as part of the sign I take to the March for Life in Washington, D.C. It certainly was noticed last year and I will again be taking it this year. All we can do is pray for those who try to deny the truth. Thank you for your part in taking a stand that life begins at conception. God bless you!
I need the mobile phone which can recording the image and a video when we do video call from my mobile phone, not from the PC. The mobile phone must have the special feature for video call only.
I am just actually sorry for not best terminology Now i’m writing, yet pray all things are really simple to comprehend ( blank ) I can’t discuss better nonetheless reaaly will need your aid!
In the event that I am wrong with all the discussion board component I would personally please check with other staff to help transport my personal place right a single
Dear J. Thompson, Thank you for your comment. You’re right! I have received many, many complaints that Facebook has removed the picture from their page. I have posted on my homepage that I am allowing the picture to be posted on anyone’s Facebook page that wants to post it. Please re-post the picture to your Facebook page and let me know if it is removed again. Thanks for letting me know. Blessings, Michael Clancy
You seem much more hateful than this man who was there and took some photos. It is a great photo. I only came across it 2 days ago as someone shared it on facebook. I then shared it also. One of my friends immediately rebuked me and told me to get this s..t off my page or I would be off her wall. A short time later the photo and my comments, and the photo on my friends page who shared it were deleted. That made me angry. What kind of a country (Canada and USA) , or countries do we live in where we can’t even talk about it? What oppression. My girlfriend could not believe it either, and that censorship has moved her more into the pro-life side. I then reposted the photo and story from Wikipedia. It is still there. There is lots of love and mercy for mothers and fathers going through tough situations, but we put the life of the child, first, in most cases…
Dear A.J.,
Thank you for taking time out of your day to post a comment regarding my picture of Samuel reaching from his mother’s womb. Frame four of the slideshow is Dr. Bruner, frantically signaling with his right hand for someone to stop me and I was immediately grabbed from behind. I was assaulted in an attempt to stop me from getting any picture of the baby’s hand, end of story! My picture scooped Dr. Bruner’s upcoming article in Life Magazine and he was furious.
Why hasn’t Dr. Bruner made a comment regarding my picture in the past eleven years? Why was he fired from Vanderbilt?
Dr. Bruner took it upon himself to deny my picture. No one’s ever asked Dr. Noel Tulipan, the attending neurosurgeon or other members of the medical staff.
Don’t believe me. But at least want to know the truth for yourself.
Be Blessed,
Michael Clancy
Dear St. Michael,
I have reviewed the pictures in your slideshow which you claim depict the movement of the fetus of Samuel Armas’ arm from his mother’s womb into the world, and have personally concluded that you are lying. In each picture, the hand is seen wrapped around the finger of Dr. Bruner with some visible movement which is evident by the picture becoming blurry at some parts (mostly due to Bruner shaking his *OTHER HAND*, which is *NOT* being “held” by Armas). However, there is no evidence in your pictures that refutes Dr. Bruner’s claim that he himself removed the hand from the uterus and posed it for the camera. Why aren’t there any pictures showing the hand coming out of the uterus of its own volition? Surely THAT would have been undeniable proof. You claim that there is evidence around the edges of the uterus that prove that it was damaged by Samuel’s voluntary movement when there clearly isn’t. Whatever damage you believe is proof of your claim to be true could have been caused by Bruner moving the hand of Armas against the uterus. I think it’s terrible that you would fabricate this story only to back your anti-abortion views and to sell a book. The saddest part is that so many people have been fooled by this picture (and the three others you claim prove your story to be true) and have been led to believe that Samuel was moving voluntarily. It’s unfortunate that the surgery in which Dr. Bruner attempted to improve the life of the yet-to-even-be-born Armas has been purposefully misinterpreted and misused to support your own personal anti-abortion agenda.
You claim to be a Christian, and even go so far as to accuse Dr. Bruner of bearing false witness against you. I think you are both a hypocrite and a disgrace to Christianity, and if anybody needs forgiveness for bearing false witness against another, it is you.
Insincerely yours,
A.J. McCulloch
I heard your interview on Bott radio yesterday and followed through with a visit to your incredible web site. I would be honored to link from my blog to yours to support the Forty Days of Life beginning March 9, 2011.
You are so right. It’s time for the truth to be revealed.
God Bless
Nancy Sullivan
yap and i continue spreading the news and providing them you site so they could read the story behind the picture. thank you again for being so honest with this picture this will give all of us hope that abortion will not be legal here in the philippines.
continue fighting for truth
Rodney, thank you so much. It was great meeting everyone in Sedalia. The Vitae Foundation does amazing work. I just want to share the blessings.
Hi Lori, thanks for your comment. It’s a blessing to hear that the picture is still reaching people in the Phillipines, eleven years later.
I heard you speak at the Pro-Life Benefit Dinner in Sedalia, MO last Thursday sharing both “the story behind the picture” and your own personal testimony of faith. I wept numerous times as I considered the awesome majesty, providence, and timing of God. He has obviously used you mightily in response to the prayers of His people that our nation be called back to respect and value human life within a mother’s womb. May He continue to do so. And may He bless you personally as you speak out on behalf of the unborn.
When I read your testimony and the Story behind the Picture. Really am crying because I had a little girl her name is Gabrielle Kirsten as well and she is indeed a blessing and treasure given by our Lord Mighty GOD. I’ll pray for Samuel too, I am glad to see him alive and in good condition. And now with your pictures I hope Dr Bruner will do the same of what you did. Hope time will come that Dr Bruner realize that there is only one God that can decide to end one person’s life. I am looking forward for many updates on your site and blog as I will do visit your site everyday to give you more strenght as well to fight for truth. I will share your site to my friends here in the Philippines because your photo really touches my heart the moment I saw that picture. That was yesterday (Feb 20, 2011)
God bless you always
Thank you all for your wonderful comments. I am almost finished writing my book. I have no desire to embarrass the good doctor or Vanderbilt but they each chose their role in this story. The truth is more important. Blessings, Michael Clancy
I never heard about or seen this photo until today. I logged on to Facebook like any other normal day, when I saw my co-worker had posted a photo. That photo, was of Sammeul reaching out. I got chills running up and down my spine. I believe you! Sammeul did reach out! I’ve been under anaesthia a number of times and on one occasion I came too. In fact I had my eyes closed but I distinctly remember trying to get up, the nurses we pushing me down, trying to keep me still. I heard them saying “lay down Janelle” They must have given me more, because I fell back to sleep. But I remember it, and it is possible to wake up and move!
I hope you keep strong in the faith and keep proclaiming the truth!
Just told your story and showed your picture of Samuel/Spina Bifida surgery at the small group I lead. I showed an episode of HOUSE which depicted the same event for different circumstances. My small group is of 18-29 yr. olds. Such an amazing pic. Such an amazing event you documented so brilliantly. Keep the photo rights as long as you live.
I attended the Crisis Pregnacy Center’s Banquet last night and heard you speak. God has a special calling on your life! Thank you so much for sharing the truth about God’s creations!
Very touching photo. Heartrending!
Michael, thank you so much for coming to Rochester, MN! Your talk was very enlightening and well received. I think you woke some people up! Thank you for what you do. You truly are a Godsend!
Just listened to your talk and saw your picture. Someday the US will look back on the days of legal abortioun and say how could we have allowed this.
I heard you speak today in Franklin, KY, and I am so glad that I was able to be there for such an amazing story. As if your personal testimony wasn’t enough, what you have allowed God to do through you is such an awesome thing! I know that your shyness was someting that was hard to overcome, but the story you tell has reached many and helped saved lives. People want to act like the “fetus” is some non-human creature, but the reality of this photo gives hope of the growing child inside of the mother’s womb. I hope this amazing photo gets the acclamation it deserves. Michael, I will remember you and your efforts in my prayers that hearts and minds will be changed. My prayer is that people will know that there is an amazing God that created us for his glory, and that every life matters. I didn’t agree with abortion before, however, now I will definitely be more vocal and an advocate for the cause. Thanks for a great message!
In the name of God the Merciful
Hallelujah capable of everything when we consider the image feel the greatness of the Creator
I felt the greatness of the Creator how to make baby reaching for consciences around him that he feels their
Here we pause and reflect the greatness of the Creator and I can only say Praise God for all things Shi
Best regards
Thank you all for taking the time to post here. It has been a Blessing meeting everyone and having the opportunity to share my story.
Blessings, Michael
I just got home from hearing you speak here in Groton, CT. I already believed a baby in the womb was a baby, and that I was against abortion, but after hearing you speak tonight you have inspired me to be a bigger force in this effort and keep praying for other people to see the light on this matter. Thank you SO much!
I was at your speaking engagement for the Greeley, Colorado Pregnancy Resource Center. Thank you for a very interesting time and for helping to raise over $44,000 for the Center.
I heard you in Greeley tonight, came right home, and went to your website. What an incredible story you have. Thank you for being courageous in continuing to tell it. God bless you, and may He continue to bless and sustain you.
The guy across the table from you,
-Randy Adamson
Dear Mr.Clancy,
having had a miscarriage to a beautiful baby much wanted in this world; I could not help but cry deeply for Samuel. So many people out in the world today would rather abort a child that to give life to he/she and let a family who cannot have children of their own adopt the child. And now with modern technology, we humans, can pretty much “fix anything or anyone”. I am now a nurse and hope to one day work with children with cancer or aids. I wish and hope to do this so that I may touch the life a child so precious in the eyes in God. You are truly an amazing man and human being to have beared witness to one of Gods’ most precious gifts…a child. you have touched the world with your tender unconditional love. there is no greater gift in the world than love. May God bless and keep you always. Keep fighting for what you believe in as I will carry this memory in heart and soul forever and will try to touch lives half as much as you have. God is most definately very proud of His son…Michael Clancy. you will be in prayer as will Samuel.
May God bless and keep you save.
I heard you speak yesterday at Cornerstone Ministries in Export, PA. I was moved to tears by your powerful testimony of your life and your commitment to Jesus Christ. The picture of the precious pre-born baby speaks a thousand pro-life words!! Thank you so much for standing for TRUTH and being such a light in the darkness. You are definitely an instrument in the Lord’s hands. Praise God!
I was at the Greensburg DCCW/PCUC breakfast this morning and cannot express how moving and beautiful your story was for us. We have followed the story of your picture for years but had no idea what a wonderful man was behind that picture. Thank you so much for traveling the country blessings others with your wonderful testimony. Thank God for you and your camera.
Dear Michael,
I cannot recall the first time I saw your remarkable picture. I was reintroduced to it recently at the Western Kentucky Women’s Expo. Pennyrile Right to Life had a booth set up at the Women’s Expo. At this booth, they had various right to lfe literature available;however, the most incredible thing available at their booth was a copy of your photo with an invitation to your speaking engagement on Oct. 12th, 2009 at the Saints Peter and Paul Parish Center in Hopkinsville, Kentucky.
I attended your speaking engagment and felt priviledged to hear your personal testimony. My husband and I both know the pain of childhood sexual abuse. Fortunately, it was not our fathers but it was a close relative that molested both of us. Kathy just recently forgave her uncle. She could not forgive him in person. Her uncle has recently passed away.
Thank you again for your bravery in addressing our meeting on October 12th, 2009.
Kathy and John Crider
You spoke at our 40 Days for Life kickoff rally in Madison, WI last fall. As we gear up for 40 Days for Life beginning next week, we realized that we never officially thanked you for your amazing testimony. It was something we will never forget. We’d like to send you a long over-due “thank you” note. How can we get this to you? Please let me know!
May God bless you abundantly!
Dear Mr. Clancy: It was a pleasure meeting you in N.E. Pennsylvania last evening (Sept. 16). Your personal testimony of triumph over the tragic and devastating events of your life touched my heart deeply. (There is a very personally resonent component for me in what you shared. It is still too difficult to express–especially publicly.) However I believe that as much as the unborn Samuel’s hand reached out to the surgeon, God Himself has reached out to you in your healing. And, in turn, your sincerity and your gift of this photograph to the world has reached out to many troubled and discouraged hearts–offering healing and hope. The photo itself is a miracle. It shows not only the hand of the innocent unborn little one; it vividly depicts the very Hand of God, our Creator. You were the vessel God chose to gift the world with this image of His Creative love for mankind. God has chosen well! You are an excellent speaker. Your vulnerability and honesty add to the factual presentation you gave. May God bless you. You, your wife, your brother, and your sisters are in my prayers.
Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. Cheers! Sandra. R.
Sometimes people find their calling in the skills they have been given. Others find their calling in areas that turn weakness into strength. I’m glad that despite your shyness, you speak out for the rights of preborn children. And I thank you for coming to Muscatine to talk.
The progression of photos makes it clear which story is correct. Posed shots don’t progress as the four photos depict the sequence of events. People also don’t tend to change their views on controversial subjects & sacrifice employment & reputation as a result of posed shots either. Anyone that listens to your story should find truth in it.
It shocks me that a doctor that focuses on healing preborn babies would deny them in such a way. It’s hard to understand the motivation of his work with that attitude. I hope that both he & those continuing his work find truth in what they do; their work should become much more fulfilling.
Considering that our children are our future, it’s sad to think what abortion has done to ours… Each time you speak in defense of our children, you build a more solid foundation for our future.
Thank you all so very much for taking the time to leave your comments. You have Blessed me beyond words. Michael
Hallilulia!! GOD BLESS you and your wife for what you are doing! I am Regional Co-Ordinator for IOWA for SILENTNOMOREAWARENESS CAMPAIGN and when I saw your picture for the first time; I have to be honest and say I cried ALOT!! I used to wear my pin “WOMEN DO REGRET ABORTION” daily but now I wear ” I REGRET MY ABORTION” daily, thanks to your picture! GLORY TO GOD…. keep up the great work and know that I am praying for you and yours!!!
Dear Mr. Clancy,
This photo has had a profound impact on my life and my passion for the right to life. I am 5 1/2 months pregnant and early in my pregnancy I was pressured by my baby’s father many times to get an abortion. It is sheer foolishness to claim that it is acceptable to dispose of these little ones. It is cold-blooded and selfish and I can’t believe how far down this nation has gone to get to such a place where it is more acceptable to be pro-abortion than pro-life, even in the church!
Thank you so much for publishing this picture. What a little miracle! It’s as if he is thanking the doctor for fixing him up. What a beautiful story in just one little photo! God bless Samuel
In the power and love of Jesus Christ,
My husband and were allowed the privilege of seeing your picture at the Pregnancy Resource Center’s annual banquet in Stroudsburg, PA.
When I first saw the picture I just thought how beautiful it was…to see this tiny little hand reaching out to touch life. I myself am six months pregnant and when I have a bad day, I realize how blessed I am to be carrying another one of God’s creations (I have two other children). Thank you for coming and sharing your testimony which was also very powerful….God truly does chose the weak to confound the wise!
May the Lord continue to use this picture and your testimony for the advancement of the kingdom of God.
I saw you in McCook last night and wow i loved your talk. It touched me in so many ways. I know you have been through a lot and applaude you for getting up in front of people and talk to people about the picture you took. God bless you!!!
Mr. Clancy.
I just wanted to take the time to thank you for standing up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. I was greatly moved when you came to speak to us at my highschool, Pius X Highschool in Lincoln, Nebraska. Growing up in a Catholic School every year we made Pro-life posters and 7th and 8th grade essays but it never really “clicked” until I heard you speak today. I know that you say that you are not a hero, and I can see that, but you have definitely changes many peoples lives and prospectives and for that I applaude you.
God bless you & yours forever!! I went to your seminar in Hubbard,Ohio at the Brentford House April 24th with Crossing Paths & I so grateful for what you are doing. Your story was fantastic!! You are in my prayers daily. Good luck & may God keep you safe as you travel the world & may he watch over your family & home as you travel. GREAT JOB, Michael!!
I want to begin by thanking you for accepting the call God placed on your life. You spoke at our banquet for New Life Pregnancy Resource Center in Gaylord, Michigan on Monday evening 4/20. A woman I had never met came to the banquet with a friend of mine and heard the story of your picture. On Sunday she had told her grandaughter she would pay for her abortion. After hearing your story she went home and told her granddaughter she would do whatever it takes to help her with her baby. She told her about your picture and your story and her granddaugter decided to give life to her child.
After the banquet we spoke briefly and I told you it was an honor and a priviledge to have met you. Tonight my heart is bursting with joy because the father of the baby that was saved as a result of your obedience to God is my best friends son. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you are doing for life.
Stand strong and be encouraged for I know God will speak these words to you, “Well done good and faithful servant”!!
You will be in my prayers and the hearts of some very grateful grandparents.
God Bless You Mightily as you continue to serve Him!
God Bless, we were moved by your talk for the Women’s Care Center in Parkersburg / Vienna last Friday!
Keep the Faith!!
We attended the Oregon Right to Life Conference yesterday – Thank you for sharing this amazing story, it was very inspirational. You’ll be in our prayers.
God Bless You!
this has inspired me to keep up with becoming a EMT and EMS when i get older i am 16 going on 17, this is worth more than millions of words and personally i think if you looked up the word miracle in the dictionary i think this picture should be there….just my thought on that, God bless You and Samuel
Dear Mike:
I just saw you picture for the first time tonight and immediately forwarded it to all of my friends and ask if some one had a picture of Samuel shaking the Dr.’s hand at 2 or 3 years old. I then went to to see if I could find anymore information about the child and that was how I found your website. I will be ordering a picture from you and would like to talk with you some time. The one reason that picture meant so much to me, I had a landlord that bragged to me, how much MONEY a local doctor had saved him because the Dr. had advised him to allow his baby to die after it was born, because it had the same problem as little Samuel. They both will have to answer to God some day for that death. I did ask a person to forward the picture to that family. By the way that Dr. told me one day that his phones were ringing off the wall from people wanting abortions, after a local Godly family had been walking in front of his office proclaiming to the world what the Dr. was doing. I told him that some day his ears would ring for eternity.
Now to everyone else that reads all of these good comments and cares about little babies in the womb (The most dangerous place they will ever be) please consider purchasing one of the pictures so you can show it and maybe save another human’s life from the army that wants to Kill God’s Little Children and the future of the world.
Mike you are a blessing for standing in the gap in this time of need fighting the army. (Mike I will be ordering a picture from you) and as God provides more to give away.
May the Love of Jesus the Lover of Children comfort and protect you:
Andy Miller
edit this on
Thank you for speaking at the “March for Life” Rally in Lincoln, NE. You have such an incredible story and it touched my heart! You are saving lives each and every day! Thanks again!!!!!
I saw your picture for the first time in this month’s issue of Charisma. As a believer and the father of a 15-month-old, it broke my heart. After debating my Pro Life stance with a fellow believer this past election season, I was challenged with “What are you doing about it?” At the time, I wasn’t doing anything. I knew where I stood. Wasn’t that enough?
I’m now joining Bound4Life and praying for a an uprising among believers to do something about it.
God bless you,
I am so grateful for your witness to truth. Only God knows how your photograph will help change the hearts of others. If this keeps one baby from being aborted, what a miracle it is! I think more than likely many babies will be saved!!!!
God Bless you,
Michael, I recently had the pleasure of hearing you speak in Venango County, PA. I don’t have an inspirational story for you. I just wanted to be able to say thank you for your story and photo…but more so, thank you for standing up for what you witnessed and photographed so that we might share your wondrous experience. Clearly, you have found your holy purpose! Your Sister Through Christ, Carol
Thank you all so very much for taking the time to leave your comments, and, the kind words regarding the picture. Your words are very encouraging to me. Blessings, Michael
Dear Michael,
I sat in the Taco Bell drive-thru on my lunch hour today listening as my local Christian radio station discussed the upcoming election and the canidates stance on abortion/pro life. When they started talking about you tears filled my eyes as they told about your photo and your story. (I don’t see how anyone can look at a photo like this and still feel abortion is ok.) I am 34 years old and never heard about you till now. Why is something this amazing kept quiet? Why does the media feel it needs to promote only negative stories when it comes to anything dealing with Christianity? There are so many positive and uplifting stories out there that are not told. Thank you for sharing your story! You have touched and I’m sure will continue to touch and inspire many people. May God continue to bless you that you maybe a blessing to others. And when you are feeling discouraged remember you are never alone and there are people out there praying for you and your message.
Thanks and Prayers,
Dearest Michael,
I have followed in awe your story of Samuel over the past few years, but never really knew you. I want to thank you so much for allowing God to use you to tell your story. I was in the audience last night in Winchester at Fellowship Bible Church. I am humbled and honored that God has allowed our paths to cross. My thirteen year old son was with my husband and I. At first I did not want to bring him because I thought he would be bored and he thought he would too. Once you took the stage with your story and God standing with you – my son never moved. I know you made a lifetime impact on him…I only wish that there were more teenagers in that room. I pray that you will continue to always let God use you. You have touched more people than you will ever know…just by your humble service. Thank you. I am honored to have you as a brother in Christ. Thank you and may God continue to richly bless you.
Michael – my wife, Becky, and I, along with over 1000 others, were very moved by your story, photos and presentation last night at the Grand Traverse Area Right To Life dinner (9-22-08). We will continue to pray for you and the unborn, and try to spread your positive message of forgiveness. Thank you for coming to this annual event and making it very memorable.
That is an awesome picture worth much than a thousand words.
I found this on a Pro – Life Search and this is kool. Those 3 pictures truly proves life begains in the womb.
I just wanted to thank you for sharing your picture of the baby having surgery in the mother’s womb. This picture was sent to my by my sister years ago and ever since has been an inspiration to my life. That picture gives a whole new meaning to “life”. Your picture, I know, has touched the hearts of people around the world.
God bless
You are a blessing to so many and are on the front line in the fight for life to the unborn. We feel that your ministry is about to move to a whole other level. Keep the faith! Our prayers and support are with you.
Travis & Maribeth Taylor
The unique ministry God has called you to is still bearing much fruit Michael. There are people everyday, for the first time, hearing your story and understanding the truth of the pro-life message. I have had the great privilege of hearing you speak and keep you in prayer. Your passion is changing hearts. God bless you.
Kathy Potts
Jackson Right to Life
Dear Michael Clancy,
I just want to let you know that we are fighting for dear life in Jamaica…abortion is still illegal here, and we want to keep it that way. However, the pro-“choicers” are pushing hard to have our legislation changed. We are fighting back, seeking signatures for a petition from all peoples, making presentations pro-life everywhere, and fighting for the lives of little ones like Samuel.
And for our fight, we also use YOUR picture. Your website makes it clear to even the blindest of people that what you saw was the truth: a hand reaching out to the world, to another human being, for safety and protection…and to give us the message that life is precious, at any stage of life.
We use your picture for a fight for life for the entire nation of Jamaica. May God bless you for having taken it! May God bless you abundantly, for he chose you to tell the world that a fetus is a human being, not a “blop of tissue”. God has chosen you to give us with your picture a wonderful tool to fight for the little ones.
Thank you for “hanging in there” and continuing the fight with us.
We have no money, but we can offer you all our prayers of thanksgiving for your agreement to be a tool in God’s hands.
May you enjoy one day the abundant fruit of your labor of love.
God bless,
Anne Arthur
Kingston, Jamaica (W.I.)
Dear Mr. Clancy,
I teach high school theology and a copy of your original picture was brought in on a poster as part of a pro-life assignment. The picture by itself needed explanation so the student later brought in one of the articles explaining the circumstances surrounding it. This poster has been an excellent conversation starter for a variety of pro-life issues. I thank you for your resolve in holding to your morals an maintaining your character. I thank God for the opportunities He gives us to serve.
May God bless and keep you,
Paul Baker Miller
My OBGYN is a Dr. Aron Shufftan, a wonderful doctor who shared with us his experience meeting you while working in Boston. I am 14 weeks pregnant right now and my husband was born with a diaphramatic hernia. While discussing our concerns, Dr. Shuftan, showed us your website and Samuel’s beautiful picture. As soon as I got home, I immediately got on your website to learn more. These pictures are beautiful and simply amazing. Thank you. And you know, I believe you and I have always believed the truth will set you free.
Thank you,
San Jose, CA
Thank you so much for your comments and please, please be praying for Melissa and her baby undergoing surgery at the University of Michigan Hospital. May God be with you!
Hey Michael Thanks again.. Just wanted to say I pray that you continue to be the inspiration for others that you are..
Much Love & Many Blessings!
My 23 week old fetus and I are getting ready to go into surgery on Tuesday morning at U of M hospital, MI. My child has severe aortic stenosis which would eventually lead to Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. U of M has decided to intervene and try an extremely new and rare procedure on us at 23 weeks. I was extremely nervous and has also been allow the choice of terminating the pregnancy. I’m so glad that a friend has shown me this website as it has filled my heart with hope.
Thank you for doing great deeds as it helps parents like myself to be strong.
Dear Michael,
Thank you for sharing your moving testimony at the PregnancyCare of Cincinnati this evening. The photograph is nothing short of a miracle of God and your story is a blessing to many! Be strong and courageous and know that this photograph and your journey has saved many innocent lives! Thank you again for sharing your testimony and may the Lord continue to bless you.
“You are all sons of God though faith in Christ Jesus.”And we may joy and celebrate for this beautiful life in Christ today with peace and harmony in light and good health with power of God and helping the lost that find dear Jesus and joy,pray for blessed revival soon,thanks and bless and hope,keijo sweden
Dear Tracy,
Thank you so very much for blessing me with your incredible, amazing, life affirming testimony. Your faith delivered your miracle. By “Grace” your child was saved. “she loves to sing and dance,” oh my. I’m having to wipe away tears to type this. Thank you!!!!!!!
Hi Michael, I wanted to share my testimony about your picture. I honestly cant remember where I saw it for the first time, years ago, but shortly after I became pregnant with my fourth child. This child was such a blessing because my husband had left, and finding out that I was carrying a girl , after having three boys already, I had something to look forward to. I was seven months pregnant when the doctors told me I needed to see a specialist, that something wasnt quite right with my daughter. So I went to see the specialist. After his indepth ultrasound, he took me into another room. A quiet room beside the hospital chapel. That is where he told me that my daughter had CDH, Clinical Diaphragmatic Hernia. In laymans terms, she had a hole in her diaphragm which had caused her stomach and intestines to spill into her chest cavity. He stated she had no , or very small lungs and would not live past birth. I needed to abort her. I was crushed to say the least. Trying to hold my composure, I recalled that picture and asked the Dr. Cant you do surgery on her, like they did in that picture of the baby with its hand coming out of his mothers womb? He said he recalled seeing that picture, and that is was a baby with CDH, and the surgery was not successful, and the baby didnt make it. He then stressed again, you must have an abortion. Your baby will not live, and if she does, she will not have any quality of life. I told him that she was all that I had left of a failed marriage! “oh,” He said, “well, you are young, you can have more kids later”. (and by the way, it is illegal in NC to abort a baby in the third trimester, he wanted to arrange for me to fly to Kansas to have a partial birth, for 7000.00)
Let me just close by stating that Grace turned 3 years old in Dec., she loves to sing and dance. She pottytrained early, she talks very well, is actually advanced in her learning. She has three big brothers to keep up with. God named her for me. While praying in the pit of dispair over if she would even live or not , I asked God, “what do you want me to name her?” And he relpied “My Grace is sufficient for thee”… God bless you and your ministry.
My husband and I were so upset when we learned that we couldn’t attend the PA Pro-Life Federation Conference, held on Nov. 3rd in Pittsburgh, at which you were a speaker. (It was for a good reason. Our sons chose that day to host over 60 relatives & friends to celebrate my husband’s 80th birthday.)
I head the pro-life group here and encouraged others to go to the Conference and three did attend. They had their photo taken with you! The entire press release along with individual photos (which they clipped from the actual photo) of all four of you appeared in the New Castle News on Friday, November 23. We were all excited!
ALSO, thanks to Jan Booth, who bought the DVD of your presentation, we got to sort of see you in person. What a very touching talk you gave. Your struggle has certainly impacted your life with strong emotions. I felt that you needed a big hug!
So, consider this a BIG HUG from all who admire and pray for you!
Thanks, Michael, for sharing the story behind the photo at the Hannah Medical Center banquet in Magnolia, AR tonight (11/8/07). A large crowd attended and many were moved as you described this event.
Hal (HMC board member)
I attended the Crossroad Pregnancy Center banquet in Belleville, Pennsylvania and was completely moved by your testimony. You sure have been on a ride directed by The Creator Himself. Please recognize your down times as a spiritual battle between good and evil. Do not let evil lead you into troubled thoughts. Lift your head high as you are guided on God’s path. The more good you do, the more evil will try to crush it. Recognize it during your down times for what it is, then praise God for His work in your and many saved children and mother’s lives. I have three children, 4 years and under, all delived by c-section. My husband and I committed our lives to Christ about 6 years ago. I wanted to let you know how I felt Christ present at my son’s birth almost 14 months ago. I was so scared about having another c-section, even though it was my third. My husband and I meditated in silent prayer together for peace and faith while we waited to go into the delivery room. I asked Christ to be present in the OR, holding my hand. After the (what seemed like) an hour of waiting in prayer, I went into the OR. The interesting thing about what I remember the most from Samson’s birth is that I could not move my left hand. It stayed closed with a feeling of pressure surounding it. I believe The Creator Himself was present at Samson’s birth, as I believe he is at every birth. Christ is there for those who welcome Him. You welcomed Christ in your life, and praise the Lord for the road that took you there. You have a long road ahead of you still, as all of us followers do, but please know you have continued support in prayer and your story is passed on and on and on. There is nothing more that God wants than for us to bring glory to Him, and you are doing just that. He is Our Creator, and you are helping individuals in His Creation to be saved, physically and spiritually.
“Know that the Lord, His is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.” Psalm 100:3 (NKJV)
Hi Michael
I read the messages above and find that you touch people the same all over. When I met you and heard you speak, you were not at all what I expected. The courage, strength, passion,and conviction with which you gave your message showed me that God is truly working in your life. I consider it a blessing, one of the special moments in my life, to have met and talked with you. As you know, my wife works at the local CPC and sometimes we feel alone in the world. It is comforting to know that we are not alone and that there are people like you fighting the good fight also.
“The Lord will save me,and we will sing with stringed instruments all the days or our lives in the temple of the Lord.”rejoice and leap for victory of Christ for today again the best message of whole the earth message is the message about Jesus and salvation, be happy and let your voice be heard of salvation in your area,pray for blessed revivals soon.Thanks and bless and hope.keijo sweden
Many thanks. Truth is lovelier than all the rest.
Hi Michael,
This evening at the El Dorado Hannah Medical Center Fundraising Banquet was a blessing for me. I so appreciated your honesty and the passion that was felt by all while you spoke. God has not given you a burden too big that He will not carry it with you. Thank you so much for your faithfulness to the call that is so evident in your life. May god sincerely bless and strengthen you. Sheri
Hi Kit,
Thank you so very much, for your prayers, and encouragement! Dallas, this Thursday, and Chicago next Thursday! It is a winnable war!
Bless you, Michael
Hi Michael,
Sending a word of encouragement your way! I see that you’re sharing your testimony through your speaking engagements. How wonderful! Keep up the good work Michael! The Lord is using you in a MIGHTY way!!!!!! Remember, this is a winnable war!
Praying for you,
Thank you Sherrie, but it’s God doing the saving. I’m just honored to be a messenger. Michael
I glad to see that you are booked with several months of lectures. I know this work is very important to you, but wanted to let you know you are missed at Leanna. You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. The Lord has found a great servant in you and you will be blessed for each precious life you save through this picture.
See you soon,
Thank you Dina,
I think Dr. Bruner learned, that day, that God is in control. I believe that God cast us down after the Garden of Eden. He had mercy on us and sent Jesus to save us. Now look what we have done. He will use us to end Abortion, but He will not stop it. He is waiting to see what each of us does, …………. this is a test!
Thank you again for the encouragement!!! Blessings, Michael
Dear Michael:
I heard your testimony on the radio the other day (September 3rd, 2007) pertaining to that AWESOME picture. I did see the picture in the USA Today paper but didn’t really know the story behind it. God chose you and Samuel for that very day to be a witness to the world that God is in control, not man! I personally didn’t need to see that picture to affirm that life starts at conception. I firmly believe that. As a believer though, I get down and wonder why God is taking so long to take us home and then I see the wonderful people that God is using and that God is still working in people’s lives. It reassures me that He is still in control, not me. I beg you to contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. I will be praying for you. You’re not alone. God bless you.
Thank you so much for your comment, and your encouragement. With God’s help we can move a mountain, one rock at a time. It does seem overwhelming but if people would become inspired to act, as the CoF Church did by sponsoring the ad, as Pastor Greiner said, “It is a Winnable War.” There are enough people that want the end of legalized Abortion.
Bless you, Michael
michael, i just wanted to tell u that u are a godsend with everything that u are doing w/ the lesson from samuel picture. and i think that it takes alot of strength and courage espically from god to fight to stop abortion. i was at community of faith church in illinois when u came to visit with us and i was really touched by ur story and by ur testimony. and i just find it very tragic that someone would consider getting rid of the precious life inside a pregnant women. i for one have lost a son at birth and due to health complications, and now i have been blessed by god for a beautiful girl that is now 3 years old. and i truly hope that ur picture truly touches people worldwide to where abortion will eventually be illegal. thank you for everything that have done and god bless you.
melissa elston
Ada Ann,
Thank you so much, but God did it all! My cameras setting was not fast enough to stop the action in the picture. If Samuel hadn’t squeezed when he did his hand would be a blur. I pray every night for the courage to continue, the strength to get up and do it all again tomorrow, and the wisdom to choose my words to do honor to Him. It is all for the Glory of God and I could not have been more blessed.
Bless you Miss Ada Ann,
Thank you so much. I just routed someone else to contact Pastor Todd about using the same template for the USA Today ad to publish in their local newspaper. Another amazing Blessing!
I’m still walking on air from the blessings of THAT amazing weekend! Eight years to the day! God’s Perfect Timing! He will deliver us. Bless you, Michael
Thank you again for sharing your testimony and your heart at COF and on your website – you have blessed and encouraged so many. I pray that you, too, will be blessed and encouraged … and strengthened to continue to do the good work that God has prepared you for. God has used you to “rekindle the fire” of our spirits! Continue to trust – and rest – in Him ~ In His Awesome Love, Jan
Hi Kit,
Thank you so much. It’s really nice now that I can put a face to your email. That’s funny, I was just telling Pastor Todd I will be reading, and re-reading Matthew 6:25- 34. “Do Not Worry”. It obviously didn’t sink in. the first 100 times I read it.
About a year ago I worked with author Roger Resler on his book, “Compelling Interest, Life After Roe V Wade.” It is being released in Audio CD the end of this month. Walmart is carrying it. It has actual audio from the original oral arguments presented in the “Roe” case. I can’t wait to listen to Dr. James Thorp’s interview. When we all testified at the Senate hearing in 2003, he told of having to actually chase the child in the womb with a needle. He performs closed fetal surgery.
Thank you again Kit. I can’t wait to see you all again.
Blessings, Michael
Hi Michael,
I wanted to send you a word of encouragement today! Last year, I helped teach vacation Bible school at COF. One of the skits we performed was Matthew- 6:19-21, one of my favorites. You, my friend, are storing up Treasures in Heaven!!!!!!!!!! This scripture made me think of you today. Remember, you’re not alone. We’re all in this battle together!!
I want to encourage others to write Dr. Joseph Bruner a word of encouragement and love. His address is on this website. Stop with the details of a busy day, and take a few minutes to do this. Let’s all continue to store up treasures in Heaven!
We appreciate you Michael!
Thank you so much. The eight years spent sitting at my computer sharing the picture had me feeling alone. It was more refreshing than I could put into words to meet a congregation such as yours at COF. You all restored my fire, and renewed my strength. You are so blessed the have Todd Greiner as your Pastor. Spending the weekend with him and his family put everything back into perspective for me. I will definitely visit again very soon.
Bless you, Michael C.
Thank you for sharing your story at Community of Faith on Sunday. You are truly God’s warrior and I was very humbled by your committment, forgiving and loving spirit. God is using you for a noble cause but you must remember – you are not alone. We all must fight together for the unborn child. Do not be weary – God provides the strength. Remember that all of us at Community of Faith will hold you up in prayer. Thank you for sharing. Hopefully you will be back again some day soon.
In Christ’s Love,
Dear Vicky and Kit,
I have to believe anyone in my position would do exactly what I’m doing by telling my story. The humbling part is that HE chose Me. That absolutely brings me to my knees.
Faith is so amazing. You can’t see it, …. you can’t touch it, ….. the deeper our surrender, ….. the greater the miracles HE can perform through us.
My faith had suffered severe challenge over the last 8 years, but was completely restored by my visit to the COF Church. I will always be grateful to you all for that.
I also believe God has had enough, and His time is NOW.
Thank you all so much, Michael C.
Hi Michael,
Just a little note to say thank you for blessing our church on Sunday! The Holy Spirit filled up COF like I’ve never seen before!! Your heart was spoken to the point that many were moved to tears. My husband and I were in that group. I pray that your message penetrated the hearts of our 3 daughters sitting next to us. All of age to hear this information, 15,12 & 11.
I believe education and communication is critical when it comes to our young daughters & SONS.
Thank you again Michael for telling the truth and taking a stand. This momentum is going to explode throughout our land in HIS timing. I believe HIS timing is NOW!!!
Thanks again,
I was so blessed by all you shared at Community Of Faith this morning. God has used you and your picture in ways you will never know until you get to Heaven. Thank you for allowing our body to be a part of that. I will be praying for you and may God bless you as you continue in His work.
Thank you so very much! The members of the Community of Faith Church in Carterville, Il. have inspired me as much as anything could since I took the picture. I pray that other churches will be so inspired to become active in the fight for the unborn child’s right to Life.
Pastor Greiner fought with dogged determination, and his sixth submission of the picture was finally accepted by USA Today. I wanted the picture to run as much as he did, but it was I who doubted USA Today’s motivation. I believed it was the message of the ad, and not the graphic nature of the picture that caused them to turn down submision after submission. I had all but given up when Pastor Todd called me and said everything was approved. I have to admit I was shocked.
Thank you again for your words of encouragement.
Blessings, Michael C.
I thought I couldn’t have been more blessed than to have taken the picture, but the blessings just keep coming ……….. and coming. In 2002, I sent a portfolio to the Southern Illinoisan in Carbondale, just before receiving a call from the photo editor there, I got a call to interview in Rockford. I took the job in Rockford much to my chagrin. I stayed there one year to the day. That’s when I learned I couldn’t work full-time and keep the picture alive.
Pastor Greiner and your congregation have brought the story back to the forefront. Just when my faith couldn’t be more challenged, God works another miracle.
I’m so excited to be coming and meeting the people responsible for this amazing blessing. I can’t wait ……… Michael C.
Michael, I will see you next Sunday at COF. Thanks so much for the use of your awesome picture, for graciously allowing it to be “manipulated” until USAToday would print it. Please be encouraged, brother! God is working an amazing thing right now and YOU are part of it!
Dearest Michael,
Thank you so much for a wonderful picture and testimony. I am looking forward to meeting you when you come to visit us. I am a member of the Community of Faith Church and a photographer so your visit will be such a blessing. I hope that you will be blessed, too.
Thank you so much for your kind words. It’s funny how GOD works in our lives. We need answers, HE sends them to us. But ……. ultimately we have free-will. I’m just trying to do what I believe GOD wants of me. Guilt is a terrible thing. It can haunt you the rest of your life. I’d love to know the outcome of your story. Blessings, Michael C.
Hello Michael, congratulations. the photo and the story are amazing., you know what’s funny
one of friends emailme saking for an advised about aborttion., I send her a big long answered hopping she will conssidered that very carefully, the morning after i saw your pic in the paper., it was very powerfull, I have not send it to her cuse I dont know if is a good idea., but I think I will. your work is amazing
What a magnificant show of life. How can anyone think of an abortion after seeing this! Thank you for having the courage to say and do what you know is right. Maybe one day Jesus will pull on the doctors heart and he will realize the mistake he has made.
Thank you so much. I gotta tell you about an email I received. It was from a man. He and his girlfriend were both seniors in high school. She got pregnant and they were very confused. They honestly thought they would go on to different colleges and have different lives, they chose Abortion. If they had only known that each would become the Love of their Life and try as they might she would never get pregnant again. As the years pass they count the birthdays of the only child they might have had. People may think a pregnancy wasn’t planned, but it was GOD’s plan for them. Bless you Mel
Thank you so very much for your comments, and prayers. The task is a formidable one. But I guarantee GOD is up to it. I’ll just rest while HE does the driving.
Bless you, Michael Clancy
How blessed you are to be used by God in this amazing way! Keep doing what you’re doing. I’m a father of 2, my oldest was born when my wife was a senior in high school. My wife finished high school as a married mother and is now a productive member of society. Not only are unborn children living people, but they are a blessing, not an inconvenience, under any circumstances.
Thanks for what your doing!
I heard you on the radio this morning and before your interview was over I had to look at the photo on your website. I was immediately moved to tears as I am currently pregnant and ready to bring our child into this world any day now. Thanks for fighting the good fight and for standing up for all the unborn babies. I pray that your mission causes the decrease and elimination of abortions. May God continue to bless you and protect you in all you do.
Darla from Franklin, Pennsylvania
What an awsome picture!!! I saw your pictures just now on your webpage and a black and white on the internet a couple of years ago (or could have been Time’s, don’t know for sure) but even then I saw God’s hand in that picture. As a father of five kids the pictures bring a stark reality to the birth and lives of my children each a gift of God. The verse in Psalm 139: 13 just jumps out!!
13 For it was You who created my inward parts; [a]
You knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13 HCSB
I have and will continue to forward your story and will be praying for you and your mission.
Mark Lagnford
Thank you so much. My thoughts exactly !!!! I want to remind everyone that you can go to the Samuel’s Gift link on my Homepage and print out copies and give them to either someone you love, or someone you think needs one.
If enough people send loving cards of encouragement to Dr. Bruner he will tell the truth. I have a plan, actually GOD has a plan.
Blessings, Michael Clancy
Thank you so much. I would definitely think GOD was sending a message if it happened like that. HE WAS !!!!!
Bless you, Michael Clancy
A friend brought me a copy of USA Today Monday, Aug. 6th and showed me your picture on page 5A. I came to your website to see the picture and it was awesome. Then today at 12:30pm I heard you speak on American Family Radio. Your story was stirring and we all need to realize how precious life is born or unborn. I just thought it was incredible that I saw USA Today and then only a few hours later I heard your story on AFR. You have an incredible photo and story. Keep showing the photo and keep telling your story and maybe someday America will change and not take unborn children’s lives.
Debbie, from Little Rock, AR
Thank you so much Darla for your prayers. What a blessing you are about to receive. I will never know the miracle of being a parent. May GOD open for you the windows of Heaven, and deliver, for you, such blessing there is not enough room to receive it. Bless you, Michael Clancy
Thank you so much for blessing me with your kind words. You have been blessed to be a mom. Thank you for giving me credit for the message the picture conveys, but I don’t deserve it. It’s GOD’s picture. I told one reporter that GOD grabbed the world by it’s collar and slapped it’s face with this picture. That’s the look that came over everyone’s face when I showed it to them for the first time. Their face would go completely pale and mouth agape. I will always treasure that response. As a photojournalist my job is to illicit emotion with a photograph. Blessings, Michael Clancy
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. GOD led me to create this Blog and I can already see that HE knew that I sorely needed to hear from people that they do care about this picture and support me in the truth behind the picture finally being told. After four months of unemployment the financial strain sets in and I couldn’t help but question if the sacrifice of my career in photojournalism was of value. There is no question, if one Life is saved it’s more than worth it !!!!!
I do speak publicly about my experience taking the picture and I have some events in Sept., Oct., and Nov. Your reminding me that I need to create a page and list those events in this Blog.
If people want to help me keep the picture available they could purchase a print, or make a donation through the link on Many visitors have mentioned that the $30 for an 8×10 is steep but what they don’t know is that their purchase has enabled me to send out thousands of prints to crisis pregnancy centers, churches, schools, etc. ………. at no cost. Bless you Walter and it’s great to hear from you.
Michael Clancy
I was so good to hear about all that you have been through and that God is continuing to use you to speak the truth about such an important issue. I am glad that Samuel is alive today. May we stand by you as you are rejected in the eyes of the world.
As well, since the Tennessean doesn’t want your pictures anymore, are you available for speaking, showing pictures, etc. at different events? Also, if people wanted to help support your work financially and otherwise, how could they?
My family still talks about the night you came over for supper. Thanks for sharing your picture with us!
Walter Hackney, Temporary Supply Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
Oostburg, WI
Dear Michael,
Thank you so much for sharing this photo experience with the world. I just had a baby girl, Addisyn Renee and she has truly been a gift from God in every way!! Having her and experiencing the joy of her everyday has been the most incredible and rewarding experience of my entire life. I had seen your picture and the message before, but since having my own baby, and reading your story again today, I cried as I never had before, because I now truly know firsthand what a joy and gift each new baby is. Life truly begins at conception, I will always believe that, and it’s time the rest of the world does too. It’s time for our world to view unborn children as living human beings and treat them as such even if they are “inconvenient” at the time of their conception. Adoption is such a loving choice for someone faced with that situation, there are so many people out there that desperately want a child and cannot conceive. I think your message will inspire many to consider adoption as a wonderful alternative, because your photo shows that a fetus is still a viable, living human being that deserves a chance at life. Thank you again, I truly believe you will be rewarded by our Father in ways no one can imagine for all the little lives you have saved by sharing your incredible and powerful message.
God Bless You!
Thank you so much for your comment. That’s quite a story also. Even though I took the picture, on assignment for USA Today, and they published it in full color, they refused to publish it in full color for the ad, claiming the picture was too graphic.
Blessings, Michael Clancy
I saw the picture in USA Today just tonight. But it doesn’t as much justice as the picture on your website. Such a great photo and story.
God Bless You,
Thank you so much Dona and Karen, for taking the time to post a comment about the picture.
Michael Clancy
When I first saw the picture I was in awe! I had chills going up and down my spine and finally I cried. The most beautiful picture I have ever seen. The Lord works in mysterous ways!
Absolutely the most heart felt picture and story! Not only is the picture amazing, but what you have endured through these years has obviously made you a much stronger, better person.
God Bless!
Dear Tamara,
Thank you for signing my Guestbook, and your kind words regarding the picture. I couldn’t call myself a Christian if I didn’t forgive Dr. Bruner for bearing false witness against me. He will someday come to receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Blessings, Michael Clancy
What an incredible photograph…..moving… and beautiful and worth more than a thousand words. Just want to thank God for the way that He speaks to us. I am impressed with your call to Agape Love for Doctor Brunner. May it be so, that those who respond, respond with love.
Sincerely, Tamara
Burnt Ranch California